As members of the Centenary University community, all officers, faculty, staff members and students are responsible for conducting themselves with the highest ethical standards

The University values integrity, honesty and fairness and strives to integrate these values into its teaching, scholarship, business practices, and daily interactions among all members of the campus community. Persons representing the University must conduct themselves at all times with the highest ethical standards and in a manner that will withstand the sharpest scrutiny.

If you have a complaint related to academics you should first try to resolve it with your instructor, the Department Chair or the Chief Academic Officer in that order. The academic grievance process is published in the annual edition of the University Catalog. You may contact the Provost at the address listed below.

If your concern relates to financial aid or tuition and fees: 

Financial Aid Office 

(908) 852-1400 ext. 2350

[email protected]

Student Accounts Office

(908) 852-1400 ext. 2245

[email protected]

Centenary University is committed to an academic and work environment free of harassment and disruptive behavior, and to providing an equal opportunity work environment where every member of the University community is treated with fairness, dignity and respect. No one shall discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, national origin, sexual preference, genetic information or any other factor prohibited by law. A detailed Anti-Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Policy can be found in the Student Handbook, Staff Handbook and Faculty Handbook. All members of the University community, especially supervisors, must be familiar with laws, regulations and policies specifically related to employment matters including equal employment opportunity and harassment.

The University’s policy and grievance process can be found in the University’s policy on Harassment, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, sexual assault, non-discrimination and retaliation.

The New Jersey Department of Education has authorized the University to offer baccalaureate and master’s degrees. Information regarding the New Jersey Department of Education formal complaint procedure can be found on NJ Department of Education.

Centenary University seeks to deliver all of our fully online programs in every state. However, the complexity and fluidity of requirements in some states, including differing requirements by academic program make this impractical. To contact the appropriate regulator, please consult the following list:

In the event that you believe you have a serious complaint against the university that does not fall into any of the categories listed above, the following list will outline the appropriate individual(s) where you may communicate your complaint:

The complaint should be made promptly in writing and signed by the individual making the report. Complaints will be confidentially reviewed and investigated by the Office of Human Resources, the University’s external auditor or any other person which the University deems appropriate. The University will protect from retaliation anyone who makes a good faith effort to appropriately disclose actual or perceived violations.

The university also maintains an anonymous toll-free hotline.

(800) 401-8004 (English speaking) 

(800) 216-1288 (Spanish speaking)

Fax: (215) 689-3885

[email protected]

Reports can be submitted to any one of the individuals listed below:

Dr. Dale G. Caldwell
Centenary University
400 Jefferson Street
Hackettstown, NJ 07840

(908) 852-1400
[email protected]

Mr. Denton Stargel
Vice President for Finance/CFO
Centenary University
400 Jefferson Street
Hackettstown, NJ 07840

(908) 852-1400
[email protected]

Ms. Christine Rosado
Director of Human Resources
Centenary University
400 Jefferson Street
Hackettstown, NJ 07840

(908) 852-1400

[email protected]

If your complaint is regarding wrongful conduct or improprieties in accounting, auditing or internal control practices, you may contact anyone listed below. Any member of the Centenary University Community who has concerns about possible Wrongful Conduct or improprieties in accounting, auditing, or internal control practices or processes should report such concerns in writing with as much detail as possible to any of the individuals listed below. The written report should be signed by the reporting individual. Reports of violations will be confidentiality reviewed or investigated by the persons the University deems appropriate. The University will protect from retaliation anyone who makes a good faith effort to disclose appropriately an alleged impropriety.

Mr. Joseph Sassa III
Centenary University External Auditor
Partner at Baker Tilly
1650 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-7341
(215) 972-2359

Dr. Dale G. Caldwell
Centenary University
400 Jefferson Street
Hackettstown, NJ 07840

(908) 852-1400

[email protected]

Marie D. Suozzo, Esq.
Boyar, Suozzo & Motyczka
10 North Park Place
Morristown, NJ 07960
(973) 538-8008
[email protected]

The Middle States Commission on Higher Education recognizes the value of information provided by students, employees, and others in determining whether an institution’s performance is consistent with the Commission’s standards and expectations for accreditation. The Commission’s interest also is in assuring that member institutions maintain appropriate grievance procedures and standards of procedural fairness and that procedures are followed appropriately. Individuals can submit at any time information regarding an institution’s compliance with Commission, Requirements of Affiliation, standards, or policies or regarding an institution’s compliance with its own policies or procedures.

Policies, procedures, and guidelines

Individuals interested in submitting information regarding an institution’s accreditability to be considered during an upcoming accreditation review should follow the policy on Third-Party Comment. The Commission reserves the right to review incoming complaints under either policy as appropriate to the circumstances.