Get on-the-job experience and earn money that can help defray your expenses with Federal Work Study or our own campus work-study program.
Working part time at Centenary during the academic year and full-time over the summer can help you pay for your education and expenses and adds valuable experience that can make you more attractive to future employers.
If you are a RETURNING student employee/work-study:
Step 1 – Complete the Student Section of the Student Employment Contract. Please type your digital signature on the form and email it to your Supervisor for their digital signature. Your Supervisor will then type their digital signature on the form and they will forward it to Financial Aid along with a job description. Be sure to download and save the document before completing it. Do not print the form or obtain handwritten signatures.
Please note the following:
If you are a NEW (first time) student employee/work-study:
Step 1 – Complete the Student Section of the Student Employment Contract. Please type your digital signature on the form and email it to your Supervisor for their digital signature. Your Supervisor will then type their digital signature on the form and they will forward it to Financial Aid along with a job description. Be sure to download and save the document before completing it. Do not print the form or obtain handwritten signatures.
Step 2 – Complete and email ALL of the following forms to Human Resources at [email protected]. Be sure to download and save the documents before completing them. Please submit your completed forms by email only. Paper copies will not be accepted.
Please note the following: