PATH Intl. Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning Workshop and Skills Test – May 13-16, 2025

Date and Time

0.00 USD

Event Type: Equestrian Events

Centenary University Equestrian Center

Therapeutic Riding at Centenary (TRAC), May 13 - 16, 2025


A PATH Intl. Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning (ESMHL) ensures the safety and well-being of the equine participating in mental health or equine-assisted learning sessions and serves as the equine expert during equine-human interactions. The ESMHL works alongside a mental health professional or educator in typically unmounted activities. Join us at Centenary University Equestrian Center for a four-day workshop and horsemanship skills test - an essential step towards achieving PATH Intl. ESMHL Certification! 


Note: this course has a few pre-requisite requirements and registration takes place through PATH Intl. Directly. Information can be found here. General questions can be address to the PATH Intl. Office or to Karen Brittle, Director of TRAC, at [email protected] or 908-852-1400 ext. 2174.