Vaccination Status and Interest Survey

As we look forward to the Fall semester, we would like to find out how many students have already received, plan on receiving or would like to attend a vaccine clinic here on campus July 21st. We ask that you please indicate your COVID-19 vaccination status/interest by completing this 3 question survey. Your responses to this survey are anonymous. Thank your for doing your part in keeping our University Cyclone Safe.

Looking for more information about the COVID-19 Vaccination?

Please visit to find out more information about the COVID-19 Vaccine and where you can get it.

Let Us Know If You’ve Been Vaccinated

Students should upload their vaccination card to the Student Health Portal as soon as they receive their vaccinations. You may upload after your first dose and then again after your second dose. Please visit to submit your document. For quick access,
please scan the QR Code.

All students that upload their vaccination card by August 15th will be entered into a drawing for 1 free room and 1 free board plan.

Count Down to Classes and Vaccination Clinic

On July 21st we will be hosting a count down to classes event. Come out from 6:30pm – 8:30pm on the front lawns of the Seay Building. Come join us for a BBQ, dessert, music and a chance to get your vaccination.


Centenary is Taking the White House COVID Challenge

President Biden wants as many Americans as possible to get vaccinated. Doing so is critical to saving lives and helping our country return to normal.

While a significant portion of older generations have received the shot, younger Americans lag behind. It is time for younger generations to get their shot. We’re all in this together:

Ensuring that young people join their parents and grandparents and get vaccinated will not only keep them safe, but it will also protect their families and communities by reducing the risk of giving the virus to someone else. To do this, we need to reach young people where they are, with information they can use, through a messenger they rely on, and provide opportunities they can access – which is why we’re calling on college communities across the nation to help. Participating colleges and universities commit to taking three key actions to help get their campus communities vaccinated: engaging every student, faculty, and staff member; organizing their college communities; and delivering vaccine access for all.

Everyone has a role to play in ending this pandemic, including your college or university. As President Biden stated in looking ahead to the July 4th goal: let’s celebrate our independence as a nation, and our independence of this virus.

We can do this. We will do this.

Stay Cyclone Safe For more information, contact Student Life.

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