Dr. William Carpluk

Assistant Professor of Education
Phone: ext. 2280
Email: William.Carpluk@centenaryuniversity.edu

Academic Accomplishments

  • Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership, College of Saint Elizabeth
  • Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Political Science, East Stroudsburg University
  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Secondary education, Bucknell University


Dr. William Carpluk brings to higher education 38 years of secondary school experience as a teacher, lead teacher, department supervisor, district level supervisor and 16 years in building level administration. Dr. Carpluk also has years of athletic coaching experience in football and lacrosse and has been inducted into the NJFCA Hall of Fame. Dr. Carpluk holds New Jersey supervisory and principal certifications as well as K-12 teaching certification with a concentration in Social Studies. Dr. Carpluk is excited to be a part of the distinguished faculty in the education department and continue his lifelong vocation as an educator transitioning his successful career in secondary education to the post-secondary and graduate level.

Bachelor Degree/Major/Institution
Secondary Education/Social Studies/ Bucknell University
M.Ed. East Stroudsburg University
Ed.D. Educational Leadership College of Saint Elizabeth
Area of Greatest Professional Interest

P-16 Education, Systems Thinking, Leadership Studies

Short Quote: “Very great change starts with small conversations held among people who care.”  Margaret Wheatley


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