Therapeutic Riding Instructor Training Course

Centenary University has a long tradition of preparing professionals for the Equine-Assisted Activities and Therapies (EAAT) Industry. Today, we are pleased to offer a comprehensive Therapeutic Riding Instructor Training program, which is focused towards preparing for application and testing as a PATH Intl Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor (CTRI). Our qualified and experienced PATH Intl. Mentor Instructors are thrilled to supporting you on your way to a dynamic career in the EAAT-Industry!

You can access our course brochure here. Note that we highly recommend volunteer experience at a therapeutic riding program prior to beginning the course, so a great way to get started can be to volunteer for TRAC!

Currently, our two-semester training program begins annually each September. The goal of the two-semesters of course work is to support you in acquiring a foundation knowledge related to therapeutic riding instruction, and on a practical level, to support your completion of all application requirements for CTRI testing. We also integrate test prep for the CTRI exam into the second semester of course work.

Our courses are small, fewer than 10 people, so you will receive a lot of hands-on experience and personalized professional mentoring, in addition to the classroom theory.

Centenary is a PATH Intl. Higher Education Member. This means that by enrolling with us, you are eligible to become a PATH Intl. Student Member. You can read more about the benefits to student members on the PATH Intl. website. Key benefits include: reduced membership fee, a reduced CTRI application and testing fee, reduced conference fees, and reduced fees for educational materials.

Our Instructor Training Program is directed by Karen Brittle, Assistant Professor of Equine Studies at Centenary University. Karen is a PATH Intl. Advanced Instructor with CTRI distinction, Lead Registered Level Evaluator, Mentor Instructor, and Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning (ESMHL). Contact Karen directly to discuss your professional and educational goals: or (908) 852-1400, x 2174.

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