Jackie Mariani

Jackie Mariani

Jackie Mariani (Production Stage Manager)

Jackie Mariani has been working as stage manager since she left Centenary with her degree in Theatre Management in 2012. She’s a proud member of Actor’s Equity Association. She’s worked all over the state with companies such as The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey, George Street Playhouse, Luna Stages, and Axelrod Performing Arts Center. She’s just finished work on Florence and Mojo: A Black Love Story, two one Acts by Alice Childress at the Shakespeare Theatre of NJ. Next up will be Nutcracker with American Repertory Ballet that runs Nov-Dec 2022 at different locations across NJ.

Centenary provides a unique opportunity to work with professionals in a professional equity house; getting to learn directly from people who have been in the business for years. That kind of training is invaluable and provides some of the best education you can ask for in this business.

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